An early 20 something year old halfman shark living under the roof of an apartment with his close friend Andrew. Kristy can have the tendency to be sometimes naive and "bad" with social cues, you could also describe him to be neurotic at times. He aspires to be something of a model or whatever some thing of that sort. Very very funny little man.

More than meets the eye is for certain, clearly. A diet coke does not taste that good.
pronounsi: he/him

With an overall definite stocky body build and stern yet softet teeth combined with his two back set rows of sharp shark-ler teeth.

Part shark. part completely artificial human dna, his skin feels exactly like a sharks skin because well. it is the skin of a shark. This is true, ask him and he'll tell you. Actually please consider not doing that, that's weird and intrusive to be asking someone you don't even know!!! (I don't understand this)


Wonky and weak eyesight, explaining his beety littel squinty eyes. He doesnt wear his glasses as kinda required often enough as he needs or should be wearing them. His explanation for not doing this is because they feel "annoying" to wear. If else to be known about him, ask him. Go ahead, ask him. (maybe).

- Total major blowhole. what?i want some brown brown sugaaaaaaaarrr~

- Fixated

- Himself

- Big tail-bone

- Instrument Player

His personal whatever way of speaking yknow whatnot yadda yadda yadda consists of a lot that altogether could be described as again, direct and literal. but its also more than just that of course, theres a bit more to him. he likes to be funny every now and then, he thinks repeating stupid questions can be funny to the point where he kinda just unconsciously starts doing that exact thing for like an average of 10-20 minutes, his girlfriend Joan gets to experience this every now and then.

Also likes to not directly point at things in typical conversation or verbalize it, but instead tilt his head and even sometimes feel the need to just make a squinty sounding noise to match it.


Honestly, many ways of his communication just has this specific sort of way- as an example, and also can variate in different ways of doing that same thing at its core. Sometimes in between moments as a little funny specific way to "stall" time for people, he might pop out random crude words like "fauck", "fuck", "phfuck", "shid", "shat", "sheet", "fuckey", "fucky", "crud", "CRAP", "shit crap crap crap  fuoy fuck FUAAACK", and so on.

if you say one more word, i'm going to put my umbrella in your pants and open it. maybe this world is another planets hell
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